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♥Jie Qian.

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Dai Yang Tian
City Ballet
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Jo Ern
Jun Kia


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Sunday 7 April 2013 // 02:48

i'm suppose to study at this moment, but i just couldn't. time to express some feelings. quite a few things happened on me, and made me realized too much of things. 

parents gets older each day, watching them getting old, watching them arguing, watching them laughing, those are always the main reasons that I'm home every weekend. nothing is better than being with them, they're always there for me no matter what. i cried, when i leave the house today, reason of missing home :( if i was to be an angel, I'm sure to blessed them with good health :) 

oh! something great that happened was, i watched ah boys to men 2 like finally. it's a worth watching movie i can say. so much of lessons that can be learned by each and everyone of us from that movie. the movie taught us not to be calculative, be mindful and helpful to your friends, and leave no men behind! :) true, the characters in the movie do exist in our life, but we just have to accept who they are. they're not perfect, neither you. nobody's perfect, thats why we should be tolerant to each other so that we can have a peaceful lifestyle :) don't ever mind what others did, those are their acts which we couldn't control, hence, we should do our own part as i am who i am. never judge :) 

#just some pouring out of feelings :) 

Wednesday 20 March 2013 // 00:41

No words can really describe my feelings now right, i'm just too overwhelmed by happiness! CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT I AM GOING TO STAND ON THE STAGE AND PERFORM AGAIN? ohmygawd, never thought of that seriously. Nothing will get me happier than this. WHEE ! :P I can imagine how crowded  the studio will be, everyone will do stretching together, dancing together with those little naughty kids. awwwhhhh, can time past faster so that i can get back to studio sooner? :D hehe.

wondering whether I'm able to fit in those leotards, those shoes. and oh! haha i get to see junyi's tiny feet again! haha. i'm just...ahhhhhh...crazy! what role are we going to take up this time? *recalling steps* ehhe. whatever. lol. that feeling on stage performing for others is just...simply..... indescribable. That kind of proud and satisfaction in me when audiences clap for us :)

still remember how I reluctant was I to go on the staircase of the studio, still remember those times when i ran up the staircase when I was really eager to dance, recalling those moments when we worked so hard together, getting blisters on toes, crying hard together, laughing even harder together. little things of us build up those strong bonds within us. and till we're all apart. and finally comes a time when we can be bonded once again! Just want to really thanks my parents for sending me there and I'm really proud to a part of City Ballet family, where I met tons of awesome humansss! :DDD 

well said by Ratana :)
Tuesday 12 March 2013 // 03:29

Things and people change, frustration happens. You become confused of what you really want and who you've been living your life for. The deeper you go, more transformation. More changes. The feeling will not be there anymore. Appreciation becomes less. You become restless. Where going through a certain depth of life leads you to. Aside that, I wish to remain the simple person I'm happy to be.

Ratana :) 

Monday 11 March 2013 // 03:15

I'm tired. I'm just so exhausted. Knowing that I have so much to be done, but i'm just not in the mood to finish everything up. Promised myself to give it a try on VP, ended up i don't have the time to apply and prepare everything. I'm a person who never do what I've promised? yeah I am. I crap a lot without doing.

How much I miss you guys :( I don't dare to spill out my problem to you guys anymore. why? I just don't dare. I have no one to talk to right now :'( where is the cheerful person I used to be? facing everything alone ain't a good feeling at all. but I do grow up a lot from these shits :)

chilllaaahhh. everything gonna be alright :D


new life
Thursday 8 November 2012 // 03:35

well, i miss my high school friends again. i mean AGAIN. it's a fact that I'm being so lonely over here. I can't get any friends like my past. The feeling of being left out sucks. seriously sucks. That's the first time and there's lots of this kind of time will be coming in the future. I won't be that click to this gang if I'm not close to you. I shall leave. what i want is a group of gossip girls whom i can share everything with. why there's no duplication of joern? i miss her so much. what i can do now is to mix around much more than usual to get more friends which is something difficult for me. :/

can see that my mum is keeping an eye on me. she's so worried that im getting into a relationship. I'm not going to get into any relationship though. but what is problem even if i really get a partner? i just dont understand. well, i won't get any like seriously. cause I just simply not a perfect girl for every guy. yeah.

Need to strive and work harder for my studies! no more mingling around. concentrate on getting cgpa>3.85 . that's a promise to myself and also my family. no more regrets and disappointments ! :D

cheerrss !

Tuesday 7 August 2012 // 18:57

I've not been updating my bloggie for two years. Can you imagine what have happened in this two years? No. How I wish time can be re-winded. I miss everything in the past. EVERYTHING. especially my classmates. we're all now separated. well, some of them are still together. I'm always wondering, did I choose the right path? What will my future be? Will I be different if I'm with them? What will it be if I'm taking up CAL? Will I end up in Singapore where I used to imagine that I want to end up in? Questions with no answer. I used to tell myself, NO, i won't take up any course related to science. I hate science. and see, what happened to me now! so guys, please mind your words when you are about to say.
At first, I've no idea what is UTP all about. but when I got the chance for interview, i was like, petronas is a university? I'm like WOW. I'm the only one who never take up form 6 in my family. and I lost two years of bonding with my parents. well, that's one of the main reason i chose here. Brother will be staying in Singapore, sister will be studying somewhere far which is not in ipoh. I'm sure of that. So who's going to visit my parents and take care of them? Guess this is my responsibility. Life is short, my parents are growing old each day. Time is precious. The one I need to spend time with and love the most are the two of them. This is the first time I express my reasons of being over here.

First time reading through your blog, just wanna know how are you doing. and i just realize that most of them are all about your friends over there. ya, reality. i know. but I think I'm being left out. I want to know how are you feeling and maintain our bond just like how we used to be.

OH YA ! something funnyyy. i just have that enormous feeling that I won't have any partner in the future. What's is that feeling? Lol. Such a dumbass I am. Wondering whether can I still live on without a partner? But what if I really don't have one? I'm such a picky fella. Know that there's perfect person but I'm still searching for that. What a human I am.

So yeah, blogging is really fun where I can just crap anything I want. Hehe.

will visit another time.


Thursday 22 July 2010 // 03:39

for dont know how many months i've not been updating my bloggie .
i'm eager for choir farewell . it's gonna be held in school again . due to $$ . LOL .
alright , my class teacher changes our places in class again . anyway , i'm still with jo ern , thats what i'm grateful of . TEEHEE :D
and yay ! i'm going for camps . my partner is someone named something like chian sing . i dont know him at all . hope i can get along with him well .

you know i love you ;)))))
